Resolve: 1. To make a firm decision about; 2. To make something complex, simple; 3. To find the answer.
I'm getting a head start on the new year. I'm changing the definition of New Year's resolutions. I stopped making them a few years ago because there's too much pressure to follow through, and let's face it - it's not easy. That doesn't mean I don't have a plan. I have to know that I know what 2016 is going to look like for me, just as much as I have to know what tomorrow is going to look like for me. And that every step I take from here on out, is a step towards that vision.
The beauty of this is that you don't have to wait until year's end to do any of these. You make a firm decision about a certain area of your life - either to make it better or to do a complete 180 and change it completely. Make it in a way that is understandable for YOU, not people on social media. So instead of making it intricate and detailed, keep it simple. And then you find the answer. HOW are you going to accomplish this? What are you going to do to get there? See? Anyday of the week, month, or year.
It's so easy to get caught up in the hype of starting over with the calendar. But what happens is that the commitments and promises we make in our highest moments get lost during our lower moments. And we just say, "forget it. Maybe next time." We give up. We get busy and unproductive. We get stagnant and procrastinate. It happens to me almost every week. I know I'm not alone.
My goal for 2016 is to be unapologetically me. The me God's been waiting for. The me that my family and friends have been pushing for. The me that has a powerful voice...on the inside, that's soooo ready to come out. It's real. And you know it's time when it physically hurts to know that you're not giving it your all, living up to your greatest potential and using your true gift. But I'm not waiting 5 more weeks for that (yes, there are about 3 more weeks until 2015 is gone for good. Crazy, right?)
So what's the foundation you should be building NOW in order to stand on firm ground in 2016? Here's a few tips that works no matter what your goals are.
1. Get your days in ORDER
This is the most important thing for me to tackle. It doesn't matter how many times you make lists, plan to be "productive", or wear your planner out, if you don't have the discipline to get your day straight first, all that extra is for nothing. That's why I'm getting into the habit of developing a morning routine. Because of all thing things I want to accomplish, I have to learn HOW to use my time strategically. So making a list about things like working out, eating right, reading more, learning more are awesome, but not tangible unless I make time to do them.
2. Be more mindful to #selfcare
I added the hashtag because it seems to be a trending topic on the internet, lately. Even if it's not new, it's so important. Self care means a lot of different things to different people, but when I look in the mirror every night before going to sleep, I want to know that I know that I did everything I could to take care of what I see in front of me - be it physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I'll be dedicating more time and effort to my fitness journey, or lack there of. I love running. I love the feeling of treating my body right. But I don't always make the right decisions or create the right mindset of getting up and stepping outside. That goes for eating healthier, too. That's the struggle. Because I love food. Also in this category I think I should add taking better care of my natural hair, my skin, plus making and keeping important appointments - doctor, dentist, and eye doctor, things that I'm paying insurance to cover - might as well use it.
3. Invest in yourself
Sometimes it's vital to dedicate money and, most importantly, TIME to yourself. Set aside a day for personal and mental development. I love reading, I even have a running book list that I have yet to touch. Learning more and trying new things, on and offline. I want to take my journey to self-discovery to a whole new level. One that will allow me to know ALL my strengths and weakness, and then market my strengths and challenge my weaknesses.
I just want to do and be...better in everything. And there's no reason that you can't either. Some would say that it's impossible to do everything. But I like to say, you can't do everything...yet.
What are some things that you are improving in order to set yourself up for the new year? Leave a comment below and let's support each other!