It's the weekend, y'all. So I thought I'd hit you with a little weekend word!
This week, I came across this beautiful worship song from Elevation Worship called Resurrecting. I'll put the YouTube video below so you can listen to it, but OMG! Everything in this song resonated with my core. There's one part in particular that I want to touch on:
The tomb where soldiers watched in vain. Was borrowed for three days. His body there would not remain. Our God has robbed the grave. Our God has robbed the grave
Earlier this week and last week, I was going through a very deep, dark place in my spirit and in life. I was hating my job. Extremely. And I was going through something very painful with someone close to me. And all I could do was watch netflix and cry. I felt sick emotionally and I believed that it manifested itself physically because I couldn't keep food down. I was weak, I couldn't eat or sleep. I was sick. I had no motivation or energy, or will, to do anything about it. So I wallowed in it for a few days. The last day I told myself, I need to get my strength up. I have to work long hours tomorrow and I can't be weak.
That day, I came across this song from a periscope I watched the day before. Although the bridge is the only part I remembered, the verse after (the one I quoted) shook me up. It said that the tomb, that Jesus was in after he was crucified, was BORROWED. His body there would NOT REMAIN. And all I could think of was...then Jesus was on that cross, there were people there that thought they lost Him forever. I can't imagine how His mother was feeling. The enemy thought he won and Jesus lost. But his body didn't stay there. God took Him back. He brought Jesus back to where He belonged. That dire situation was temporary. Because three days later, He was in a better place. A better situation.
Through that portion of the song, I heard God telling me that my situation was only temporary. This place, this sick feeling, this emotional pain, this job I hate, is only borrowed. I'm not going to remain here. No matter how it looks right now, I know that it's not my ministry to sit in a job I hate, a relationship that hurts, and a body that's weak. And I want to tell you, that there is no situation that you can't come out of. Whether you believe God or not, you have to know that it's only temporary. You will NOT REMAIN there - in that place, in that season, in that pain. Imagine how Jesus felt, knowing he was going to DIE. He had to have some kinda faith to go through with what He did. And because he did, I know that we are forever covered. We're going to get through it. You are going to get through it.
Here's the video if you want to listen to the song, worship and thank God for bringing us back to where we belong!
Thanks for spending time with me this weekend for this short little word. Leave a comment below and share with me how I can help you get through this season or encourage someone else who feels stuck, or anything that touched your heart. Be blessed! See you next week!